(I typed this up yesterday and when I was going to post it our power went out)
I'm so darn happy. I received the news today that I have been nominated for Homecoming Court :) I've never been on it for Winterfest and for Homecoming it's only seniors that get nominated. This also entitles getting dressed up next Friday and wearing my Homecoming dress to the football game:) It'd be really awesome if I won! But if not that's okay because I'm still crazy happy that I am on it! I'm now very excited for next Friday:)
Also today was the first day I wore a dress to school. I felt very comfortable in it! It's also my favorite color. A little story about the last time I wore this dress...
Last year I decided to wear this dress. I went to the locker room and put on my backpack after dropping off my gym bag. I had to walk down to Mr. Kadwell's room which was probably about a 2 min walk from the gym. As I was walking saying hi to my friends I passed our assistant principal. I happily said hello to him and waltzed on by. I walked into Mr. Kadwell's room and went to sit in my seat. I went to fix my dress as I always do when I sit down and couldn't feel the bottom of it. I reached behind me and, excuse my language, felt my bare ass. As soon as my hands were cuppin' my cheeks I heard a roar of laughter behind me. I fixed my dress and thought to myself, OK maybe it's not as bad as I thought. Next thing I know I see another teacher enter the room V-Lining right for me. Instantly my mind was like OK it was bad. She called me out in the hallway and our conversation went a little like this..
Coreman: Now you look very pretty today that's a very pretty dress on you, but..
Me: (cutting her off) I know I already fixed it.
Coreman: Oh good, Once you walked past Mr. Barker his face dropped and told me to tell you to fix it.
As she was speaking to me outside of the classroom me and Mr. Barker (our assistant principal) made eye contact and he quickly turned around. Then I thought, okay seriously you made me walk in front of my whole class room like this when you could've easily said "Stanton, fix your dress". But no, so then half the school saw my ass. Still at this point I kept thinking okay it still wasn't that bad. Maybe everyone just saw a little cheek action. When I went into my 3rd hr gym class, I pulled up my dress behind my bag to about where I thought it was (I figured this out by feeling how much of my bare bum I felt, haha). I looked in the mirror and Instantly my stomach sank. On this day imparticular I happened to wear the sexiest pair of underwear I own. No, it wasn't a thong, but it wasn't grandma panties either. They are known as booty cut. So its between a thong and grandma undies. To give you a little insight, they're pink zebra with sexy black lace around them. The rest of the day I was embarrassed and when I'd tell people about it they'd ask me questions like, "how are you even in school right now?"
and "how are you not crying".
Those that know me know that I cry about almost anything. I'm willing to admit I am a wuss. But I didn't cry about it until I got home that night when my papa made a joke about it. At the time I was running for secretary, and my boyfriend Owen at the time made the remark, "Hey at least you will probably win Secretary since the whole school got to see your ass". That made me laugh more than feel bad tho. I really don't get embarrassed easily I guess. Yeah this was embarrassing but I still was okay with it I guess.
Sawyer also wanted to get in my blog with his flocked up apparel. He was also feeding this morning when I was getting ready, so I got to see soy sauce before I went to school.
Hope I made you smile while reading this!
-alexa malyn
I am into very different styles of clothes, from a regular Tee and shorts, to rompers and skinny jeans. I take a picture every day of what I wear before I go to school and this is a blog to show the different styles I am wearing this 2011-2012 school year. I am a big bad Senior this year, so I plan to really shake things up with style! Monday through Friday i will post on this blog a picture and description about my outfit. I might throw in a little bit about my day too!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
day 15- rough
Today was somewhat rough I guess. To be honest, I kept saying, "I have to go write in my blog". Then I'd walk back out of the computer room. Then I'd say it again, then I'd walk back out again. This happened probably 3 times. So now I finally decided to actually write in this. Then the question came, what to write about? What happened today that was significant that wasn't bad. What I'm trying to say is today wasn't very good. My outfit was pretty good tho!
I wore my bedazzle jeans today. Decided to take a picture of the back of them so you could actually see what they look like!
All I have to say is tomorrow will hopefully be better! Also happy birthday to my pal nickyP! He's 18 years old and now officially an adult. Also I'm sorry this is such a short post!
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Day 14- blood drive
That's right, I gave blood today! My day consisted of, basically nothing. I went to the high school at 6am to help set up for the blood drive. Yes, I had to wake up at like 5:15am, and yes it sucked. On the bright side, if you helped set up, our advisor bought us McDonald's. That was a mega plus to waking up :). Since I'm Secretary, I helped out with the blood drive all day. I was the one to write on the passes and go to classes to give kids their passes. Wow that rhymed like crazy, kind of. Haha. Any who, So some kids have probably seen me quite a bit today in their classes. Teachers were getting very annoyed I tell ya what. Also we got to get whatever we wanted to eat! So my friends Cameron, Nick and I went into town and picked up Subway, Chee Peng and Penny's for us to eat.
Today's outfit was actually quite boring. I had to wear my student council shirt so I decided to just wear jeans. My watch on the other hand was fly might I add :) The shirts are pretty cool too. They have our faces on them :) next time I wear it I will be sure to get a close up view for you folks.
My eyes look really wild but I'm coo with it. I had to get bandaged up and I received a sticker that said "I make a difference". Yeahhh buddy.
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
Monday, September 26, 2011
Day 13- fall
Fall fall fall. I love fall. Here are some reasons as to why I love FALL!
- It's sweat shirt weather.
- the leaves are just so darn pretty.
- My birthday!
- its cold but not too cold
- Halloween!
I'm sure there are more reasons as to why I love fall but I think those are good for right now.
Today's outfit just reminds me of Fall. You've seen my shoes before, my sweater dress deal is from TJ Maxx, my leggings from Vanity, and my Belt from The Buckle. I liked my outfit today and I was comfortable in it. We got a few haters on leggings today, but that's okay! I think they're quite fashionable. What can I say, haters gonn hate.
Some good news, Sawyer is beginning to smile when we talk to him. Isn't that just lovely? Sunday, Soy Sauce was a big supporter of the Lions! He's happy he gets his first year of football to be a winning streak for the Lions ;)
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Day 12- down with the sickness
On this particular day I happened to start getting a cold, I think. For some reason when I get sick only half of my nose is runny which I find kind of odd. Needless to say, Half of my nose is red and rashy while the other half is just fine. Even when I felt like crap, I felt the need to dress up yesterday:). My shirt is from Charlotte Russe, my leggings are from Vanity, shoes from The Buckle, and headband from Claire's. Not sure where I bought the cover up (sorry!). Okay so Sawyer is no longer awake when I am up in the morning. Dad came downstairs after feeding him around 6 and put him in his swing.. So I may or may not have taken a picture with him while he is sleeping..
Okay I guess I did :). Friday night football games are a hoot. Last night we lost but did very well against LCC who is ranked very high and one of the best teams in the state. Granted we lost by like 40 but our team got 3 touch downs! GO LAKEWOOD.

Last night I also received 7 minutes of fame. Well okay it wasn't exactly fame but I count it. During the first football game in Hastings, I told my friend that one game this year I was going to go do a hurkee with the cheerleaders. Of course right after I said that I thought yeah that's probably not going to happen. Last night I surprised myself, and not only did that. I called the head cheerleader over and asked if I could come down and cheer with them. She said sure why not. So there I went. I got the chance to be a cheerleader for 7 minutes! They even let me lead some cheers;) It felt really good and I was so pumped! I did a toe touch and a hurkee and it was just great. I new quite a few of the cheers too. Last night was just great, and I finished it off at Applebee's which is the usual place to eat after the games.
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Day 11- picture day.
HAHAHA! That's basically all I have to say about today. Today was just awesome. Really a fun day. Today was school picture day, and to Seniors basically we just take it for our ID cards because one of our senior pictures is obviously going to be in the yearbook, not our school picture, haha. Since I am the Secretary for STUCO (student council) I got to help work the picture day. Here was my outfit.
Jordan Coop and I worked it 1st and 2nd hour, basically we handed the slips to students that came in. The slip had their name on it. So of course, if you know me, I had fun with it. We relieved a walkie talkie to talk to the women at the main office so they knew when to send down the next batch of kids. This walkie talkie can be heard by the ladies in the office, our athletic director, and our principal (probably more too, but those are all that I knew of). Each time I walkie talkie'd down to the office to have them send down more kids I'd do something different, like talk in Spanish or make up a mad rap. I hope I gave the staff a good laugh today :) I also had to interact with freshman, sophomores, and juniors. I also had fun with that. A little example would be this freshman with these awesome boots on. I told her I liked her boots, then I started singing "these boots are made for walkin, and that's just what they'll do". The freshman just looked at me really weird and me and Jordan just started cracking up. I swear I was not making fun of her, I actually liked her outfit.
Also since I didn't really have to do a real smile for pictures I did my signature funny smile. What do you think? Hot huh?
thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
Jordan Coop and I worked it 1st and 2nd hour, basically we handed the slips to students that came in. The slip had their name on it. So of course, if you know me, I had fun with it. We relieved a walkie talkie to talk to the women at the main office so they knew when to send down the next batch of kids. This walkie talkie can be heard by the ladies in the office, our athletic director, and our principal (probably more too, but those are all that I knew of). Each time I walkie talkie'd down to the office to have them send down more kids I'd do something different, like talk in Spanish or make up a mad rap. I hope I gave the staff a good laugh today :) I also had to interact with freshman, sophomores, and juniors. I also had fun with that. A little example would be this freshman with these awesome boots on. I told her I liked her boots, then I started singing "these boots are made for walkin, and that's just what they'll do". The freshman just looked at me really weird and me and Jordan just started cracking up. I swear I was not making fun of her, I actually liked her outfit.
Also since I didn't really have to do a real smile for pictures I did my signature funny smile. What do you think? Hot huh?
thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
day 10- fav
I really liked the outfit I had on today, I think it might be my favorite outfit so far! It looks a little "Indiany" once again. I feel like if I wore my moccasin boots that were in Day 6 it would've been a bit much. My hair cooperated very nicely too might I add :)
My shirt is from H&M, my shoes from DSW and my awesome shorts from Love Culture. I wore a flower in my hair as well and I had feather earrings on. My hair took less than 5 min this morning. When I style my hair like this, I shower the night before and do 4 french braids and sleep on them. In the morning i undo them and whalaa, a cute hair style :) This is the flower in my hair and my feather earrings.
I like them a lot :). Also, I forgot to let you know, it was Sawyers 2 month yesterday! So here is the 2 month picture my mum took of the little man.
He sure does look chipper.
Thanks for reading today's post
-alexa malyn
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Day 9- glee revival
Glee revival is the title of the blog today because I wore jeans that are called "Rock Revivals". They are from the Buckle. I am not personally a big fan of Buckle jeans anymore. I think they are very over priced for jeans. On the otherhand their jewelry and shirts are nice :) Plus I am pretty sure I saw 3 guys with the same jeans on as me. I say this because all rock revivals look the same! Whether it's girls or guys jeans. I thought it was funny when I first thought of it :) I still wear my buckle jeans sometimes because hey, if I paid 150$ for a pair of jeans, I am going to wear them.
As you can see I wore a big belt today. I have quite a few belts, I just hardly ever wear them. I personally don't like how they look on me. But my mom convinced me that this belt looked nice with this shirt so I decided to wear it.
Also, tonight is the premiere of the 3rd season of glee, which is also why it's the name of the blog. I am SO PUMPED. You could definitly call me a "gleek". I had an assignment for creative writing today, and had to write a sonnet (poem). You want to hear it? Okay :)
My favorite show, gLee is on at seven.
I can’t wait, the new season starts tonight.
While watching the show, I am in heaven.
I’m tellin’ ya, it’s gonna be a good night.
I bet you would like to know the reason,
As to why I enjoy watching this show.
The reason is ‘caus it’s a new season,
Because for some reason you had to know.
I also watch it because its pleasin’.
I’m tellin’ ya, you’ve got to watch it, bro.
I have seen the show since it was born.
I hate this show, nah him just teasin’.
The show’s on now, so I’ve got to go.
I need to go make a batch of popcorn.
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
Monday, September 19, 2011
Day 8- denim leggings
I feel like the caption to this picture would be "whaddappp!" haha. I bought these denim leggings from DSW, the shoes from The Buckle, my shirt from Tj Maxx, and my earrings from Forever 21. I really liked the shirt I wore today. It reminded me of a matador's shirt. You know, the people that hold the red sheet that deals with the bulls? Yes that. A couple people thought my denim leggings were the Pajama Jeans on T.V. Sorry to tell ya, but they aren't. I didn't get them from an infomercial, I bought them at a store :) but I bet they are as comfortable as the pj leggings because dang they felt nice!
These are my earrings up close. They received quite a few compliments today, I was happy :)
This past weekend, I had my first day of work. I loved it! I also worked today too from 3-7pm. I feel like an adult answering phones and scheduling appointments. It's really nice to be making my own money too! Also this weekend I went on a scavenger hunt with my church. In my group was my friends Danica Desgranges, Nick Haskins, and Morgan Livermore. We kicked butt that's for sure. We got 2nd place and won 50$ which we split and came out to 12.50$ for all of us. That 12.50$ for me went right into the dynaride. Here are a couple pics from our group that I thought were humorous :)
We needed a picture of something that started with the letter Z. We thought zipper would work :)
One of the items was to recreate a sword fight and be creative. I thought this did it justice :)
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Day 7- bedazzling spirit
Bedazzle, bedazzle, bedazzle. I am pretty sure everyone knows what I am talking about. BEDAZZLER. Remember, all those cheesy commercials a few years ago:) yes those. Well I had a few people call me the bedazzler on Friday. My jeans were very "bedazzly" I guess. Okay I'm sick of saying bedazzle. Any who, I wouldn't really say I was too fashionable today honestly. I just wanted to show some spirit for our football team that night!
You can't really see the back of my pants obviously, but they were pretty sparkly. My red shoes matched my red rings on my SENIORS shirt and my earrings. Also if you haven't noticed already, I wore my hair down :) I received a lot of compliments on my hair yesterday too! I love my hair curly personally.
Also someone yesterday asked me why I go to the football games when our team sucks and when I know we're going to lose. My response to that was, I think they are a good team. Why do you go hunting when you're more than likely to not get something then to get something. You do it because you enjoy it and there is a chance you are going to get something. So I go to football games because they're fun, I enjoy it, and there is always a chance we will win.
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Day 6- pocohontas
Today was an "Indian Day". I searched all over the place for these boots I wore today! Woodland mall, Lansing mall, Great Lakes Crossings mall! Journeys sold them cheaper than American Eagle, but they were totally out of my size. So I finally got them at American Eagle.
Jeans from American Eagle, Boots from American Eagle, Earrings from my grandma :) and Shirt from TJ Maxx! Everyone loved my "moccasins" haha. I thought they were crazy cute and I HAD to wear them sometime this week :)
My earrings were very Indianish I thought. I mean come on, check out the Indian Chief. Am I right or what?
Now I don't know if any of you reading have noticed, but We have been in school for a week now, and I haven't worn my hair down once! I realized that yesterday. It's not like I wear it in a pony tail all the time or anything. I just still think I wear it in cute styles but I don't know why I haven't worn it down. Just to give you a sneak peak for tomorrow, I will probably be wearing it down ;)
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
day 5- fools go to school
I am not a fool, so I did not go to school:) I am definitely just kidding! School is not for fools! School is great. Today on the other hand, was the last time the Flocked Up group was going goose hunting, so of course I had to join in. That might've included me skipping ;) So today's outfit looked a little like this...
Yes I look tired, this is because I had to wake up at 5am! Total, our group got 20 geese this morning. Pretty good I'd say! While we were hunting this morning.. I might've taken a little spill :(. The darn cornstalks always seem to get me at least once. and the best part is, my dad got it on camera. Mid fall.
And down I go. But you know me, I just got up and started laughing! After that I ran into Ionia to Meijer's. Then I did something I've always wanted to do but never had the courage to. I ate by myself at Big Boy's. No I haven't dreamed about eating at Big Boy's by myself, just at a restaurant with nobody there. Honestly, I don't know why I haven't done it before. It really is nice, and it gave me time to study for Anatomy! I guess you could say that was on my bucket list so to say. I also want to see a movie by myself but that can be for a different night. Don't worry, I didn't spend my whole day slouching after hunting, I also had a dentist appointment. All good in the mouth! :)
Tonight's the big night, SENIOR PICTURES. I hope they turn out like I want them to! I was a happy girl this morning as you can see, so I hope I can keep that smile on all night!
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Day 4- chaos
Let me give you a little insight of what happened in my world today.. My outfit for starters, wasn't very dressy. But I still thought it was cute :) I got my inspiration from Mila Kunis in the movie Friends with Benefits.
As you can see, I was not a happy camper having to wear this to school. I promised myself I'd never wear shorts like this during school:( but I had no choice! On the upside today, I got a job!! :) Had an interview tonight and got the job on the spot. I guess everything ended up being pretty good :)
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
Monday, September 12, 2011
Day 3- sept 12
Ugh, Monday. What more can I say? Last night my mom says to me, "Alexa I really like the new romper you got last weekend.. but Summer is basically over and it's going to start getting colder out. So I think you should wear it tomorrow." So this outfit goes out to Melissa Stanton!
Today's outfit came from Forever 21, American Eagle, and Fashion Bug. I must say, I was a little self conscious in this today, but I just had to wear it cus I think it's just so darn cute. Got a few compliments today. Honestly, I enjoy dressing up a lot. I don't understand how someone doesn't! Everyone loves getting compliments am I right? Well when you dress up, I promise, at least one person will compliment you on your outfit :) It really boosts self esteem too. Also might I add, my hair this morning took 3 minutes.
It was really simple. Just a braid and a bun. To be honest, I was looking at YouTube videos yesterday and there was one of this girl named Megan and she showed how she did her hair like this. So next thing I know, I decided to try it :)
I also have to add in this video of Sawyer and I, basically just because I think it's hilarious!
-alexa malyn
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Day 2- sept 9
This blog was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I didn't get home until midnight, so I didn't want to post that late. On Thursday night (the night of the first day of school) I was talking to my mum. She asked what I was going to wear the next day. I was thinking about wearing my tie dye blue seniors shirt, but then i thought NO! I have to wear something that I'd enjoy writing about in my blog. Not that I wouldn't enjoy writing about it, but the outfit would've just been kind of.. boring. So I wore something a little bit better :)
Well what do you think? I don't really know what type of "look" I was going for today. Quite a few people commented on my outfit again. Mainly my shirt and earrings. My outfit today came from a mix of different stores. My shirt from Meijer's, my pants from Forever 21, my earrings from Charlotte Russe, and my shoes from Younkers. I'm not one of those people that has to shop at one certain store, I'm kind of all over the place. If i think its cute, I'm tryin it on!
I know you cant really tell, but my shoes matched one of the flowers on my shirt, and I was pumped! I had a really hard time finding shoes, thankfully my dad and mum helped me out by watching me try on at least 5 different pair before I found these:) My earrings definitely got the most comments I'd say. They were pretty heavy which was a downer but they didn't hurt that bad.
I thought this picture showed my earrings very well, and well Soy Sauce is just cute :)
Later last night I went to the football game. I decided to wear a hat. For this outfit you could definitely say I got inspiration. Thursday night while me and my mom were in Hastings, the local kids were getting out of school. I saw this little girl walking down the road and she had a hat on like the one I wore. She also just had on some sweet clothes! My mom always told me to get a hat like that but I'd always say, "no mom I'm not a hat kind of girl". Basically that was my way of saying, "no mom I don't know what everyone will think of that and people will make fun of me and not like it". That girl inspired me to go get the grey hat that night, and I wore it the next day. The only thing people said about it was that it was cute.
In my opinion, I think people should wear whatever they want, and whatever they feel like wearing. Trust me, I've worn some things before where people would make fun of me or laugh or whatever, and yes I would get upset. But now I've realized its me who I want to impress, not anyone else.
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
-alexa malyn
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Day 1- Classy
Well you guessed it! The title says classy, so I dressed classy (at least I think I did). Today was the first day of school and the first real post of the blog! I don't know about anyone else, but the night before the first day of school I always get to bed late, because I am so excited and just can't get to sleep! And of course like every other 1st day of school mornings, i wake up way earlier than I am supposed to. That's right, I woke up at 4:30am this morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Wide awake and I look at my phone wondering why my alarm didn't go off only to find out that it was 4:30am and not 6am. It took me about a half hour to get back to sleep and then my alarm went off very quickly.
I must admit, I was really excited about my outfit today. I don't really know why, I just thought I dressed a little differently than other kids in my school today. The average teenage outfit these days is the good ol' buckle jeans with a fancy shirt. I was pretty excited to see some people with dresses and skirts on tho :) made me happy! I got quite a few compliments on my outfit and of course I gave people compliments as well!
day 1- sept 8.
I was happy to come down the stairs this morning to Sawyer, wide awake, feeding! So of course I had to get a picture with the little guy. It's really hard for me to believe that last year at this time I had no idea I'd be a big sister. I'm very thankful to finally have a sibling. Also today in one of my classes I had to draw a picture of my family (Yes I'm in 12th grade and had to draw a picture of my family like I was a 2nd grader). I decided to do the old fashioned stick people and it was nice because now there are four members of the family and not just three.
Overall today was a great day! So sad to think it is my last first day of high school. It really was a fun day and I'm excited to see what this year brings :)
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
-alexa malyn
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Pre School
Since this is my first time ever starting a blog, i figured i better see what I'm getting myself into. I have decided to post in the blog before school starts to get a feel of everything that comes with blogging. I feel like a good start to a blog would be to just tell everyone a little about myself and things going on in my life right now!
School will be starting this Thursday, and I guess one could say I'm very excited, and ready to be a big SENIOR! I definitely feel like these 16 years of mine have gone by so quickly. Yes, I just said I am 16 and going to be a senior. Before you have any odd thoughts, I am fairly young for my grade but I will be 17 in October. Then I can drive past 10pm and with more than 1 person in the car! I recently got a vehicle, her name is the "dynaride". She truly is a beut :)
Well my family consists of my mom, dad, and brother. Melissa, Keith and Sawyer. I like to call my mom Mamma Missy, my dad is known as Papa, and Sawyer is known as Soy Sauce :). Soy Sauce is now 6 weeks old. Yes, there's a very large age gap between my brother and I. But I am proud to say we both have the same parents! My brother is pretty cute I'd say.
Well that's about all I want to share with everyone right now i guess. Keep following to see what styles I end up bringing to Lakewood this year!
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
School will be starting this Thursday, and I guess one could say I'm very excited, and ready to be a big SENIOR! I definitely feel like these 16 years of mine have gone by so quickly. Yes, I just said I am 16 and going to be a senior. Before you have any odd thoughts, I am fairly young for my grade but I will be 17 in October. Then I can drive past 10pm and with more than 1 person in the car! I recently got a vehicle, her name is the "dynaride". She truly is a beut :)
This is her in the flesh!
Well my family consists of my mom, dad, and brother. Melissa, Keith and Sawyer. I like to call my mom Mamma Missy, my dad is known as Papa, and Sawyer is known as Soy Sauce :). Soy Sauce is now 6 weeks old. Yes, there's a very large age gap between my brother and I. But I am proud to say we both have the same parents! My brother is pretty cute I'd say.
This is me and Soy before a ping pong tournament at my friend Brooke's house!
Well that's about all I want to share with everyone right now i guess. Keep following to see what styles I end up bringing to Lakewood this year!
Thanks for reading today's post :)
-alexa malyn
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