Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 55 oh what a snowy day

WINTER IS HERE! Yes it has been here for a bit now, but I don't count it until there's snow on the ground. Last night I've never driven on roads that bad. I went 20mph the whole way home from work and my friend, Aisha's house. She lives about a 5-7min drive away from me normally, but the drive last night was about 20-25min. I was pretty frightened. I personally don't think we should've had school today, but I still had to pick out something to wear!

Today's outfit came from...

Dress: TJ Maxx
Tights: JC Penny's

I have been wanting to wear this dress for a while now, but I kept saying no I want to wear it when it snows. Finally, it snowed :) Also today I shot a crossbow for the first time in my recreation class! That was a hoot.

Thanks for reading today's post :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 54- colorful!

Finally, I am wearing some color! I bought this shirt 2 weekends ago for $5.99! I'm pretty happy about this :) I realized I haven't worn my Indian looking boots in a while, so I decided to wear them with today's outfit. I also threw on the denim leggings.

Today's outfit came from...

Shirt- Charlotte Russe
tube-top bra- Charlotte Russe
Leggings- DSW
Shoes- American Eagle

The back of this shirt was a little showy but I didn't really care. I bought this little bra tube top like thing from Charlotte Russe a while ago for $2, and it went with today's outfit so I decided to try it! I liked it, but it was very itchy because it had those annoying sparkly things on it.

The things I do for fashion, I tell ya what, haha.

I also was supporting breast cancer by wearing the "I <3 Boobies" bracelets. I thought they went very well with my outfit today. My cousin, Janae gave them to me when she was home from Virginia!

Also, Happy Birthday to Mahrley Parks :)

Thanks for reading today's post.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 53- back from break.

Ol' Soy throwin out a yawn! Sawyer woke up early this morning so he got a picture with me. Right before I was about to leave too! Today was the first day back from break, and it went buys surprisingly fast. I was pretty happy with it. These next few days we won't be doing much of anything in class because we have exams on Thursday and Friday.

Today's outfit came from...

Shirt- Meijers
Jeans- Forever 21
Shoes- DSW
Earrings- The Buckle

Yes, Meijers has cute clothes.I really liked the shirt too. Stripes are something I usually don't like very much but I like the earth tones in this shirt.

These are the earrings I got on Black Friday :)

Thanks for reading today's post.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Break

In my last post I said that us kids that go to Lakewood will be off school Tues-Fri. My break has gone pretty good all in all. Many good things have been happening!

My little bro, Soy has grown up so much lately. He is smiling, rolling over, eating baby food, and laughing! Today was the first day I heard him laugh and, I'll admit it, I freaked. I've been so thankful that I got 6 days to spend with my brother. Brother. It looks and sounds so weird for these words to come out of my mouth or be typed in this blog. I never thought I'd have a brother and I'm so happy he's in my life. I've gotten to feed him a lot this past week and hold him nonstop. I've missed him falling asleep on my shoulder so much! I got the joy of him doing this 3 times throughout the week. :) This girl is one happy camper.

This Thanksgiving was such a good one! Then again, I can't remember a time when I've had a bad Thanksgiving. I think this is a good holiday because what people look forward to the most is FOOD! I've been thankful enough to have a big turkey dinner ever since I was little. Every other holiday, is about some sort of presents, just like it is for a lot of people.
Christmas- presents from family or Santa.
Easter- presents from the Easter Bunny.
Valentines Day- presents from a loved one.
Halloween- Candy.

Some people get mad on
Christmas if they don't get what they want,
Easter if they don't get what they want,
Valentine's Day if they don't have someone special to share it with,
Halloween not enough candy.

Instead of saying what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving, I made a video with Sawyer.

Black Friday
This year I went Black Friday shopping with my friend, Cameron. I was really afraid of doing this. Seeing stories on the news of past years really shook me up. We decided to go to the mall. We got there around 10pm and absolutely no one was in the parking lot. Not one car. So we went to iHop. We got back to the mall around 11pm and there were a few cars. Mind you, stores in the mall opened at midnight! We got a parking spot right in the front and walked in. There were a few people, not many. American Eagle opened at 11:20pm, so they opened early. Next, we went to Victoria's Secret. Then the Buckle. I am so happy because I got most of my Christmas shopping done! I got myself some earrings, a headband, and a bracelet. I got about 5 people on my list done. The mall was barely packed what-so-ever. I encourage you all to shop there Black Friday! There were about as many people there as there would be on a Saturday during the day, just so many good deals!

Thanks for reading today's post :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 52- Soy's 4 month

We only had one day of school this week, and that was Yesterday. We have Tues-Fri off! What a long weekend I'm lovin it! This also means spending some much needed time with my brother, Sawyer. I miss him and I still see him everyday. Monday's, Tuesday's and Thursday's I have work right after school, So I don't see him until 7 and he is usually taking a nap sometime near when I get home. On weekends, I'm not usually home that much So I'm very excited to have 6 days off to relax.

Sawyer's 4 month doctor's apt was Monday! He ways a whopping 17 lb 1 oz. Tubbs also gets to start on baby food! I can't even explain to you how excited I was to feed him this morning. I texted my mom from my room right when I woke up and said "Don't feed Sawyer without me." Sleepy Soy woke up later than me this morning. We set him up in his high chair (mom & I) and fed him peaches! He didn't really know what to do it was quite comical.

Here are some pictures from this morning..

I have no idea what I'm going to do when I go away for college, it will be one of the hardest things for me.

Yesterdays outfit came from...

Shirt- Buckle
Necklace- Buckle
Jeans- Love Culture
Shoes- JC Penny's.

I love these shoes. They go with a lot of looks I go for. They are a simple pair of black flats that I think make outfits look cute. Yes, cute. I don't understand how shoes can make a girl look cute, but I think they definitely can.

Thanks for reading today's post :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Okay so yes I like Twilight. Do I love it? No. Am I a twi-hard? It's a possibility. I never have been to a midnight showing of a movie until Thursday night/Friday morning. My good friend Brooke and I went. We went into Grand Rapids, got some Steak & Shake, then were headed to the movie. I just so happened to get pulled over. I was freaking out. I don't like cops, and that sounds stupid because I'm pretty sure no one likes cops, haha. I didn't get a ticket, he told me that my headlight was out and my tail lights were out. Turns out I really just forgot to turn on my lights, hahaha. I thought this was pretty funny. The movie was great, I encourage you to see it.

Now for Friday morning. PURE HELL. Brooke and I got home at 3am. So that means we got 3 1/2 hours of sleep that night. I had a nice shirt and everything to wear for this day, but I just couldn't do it. I had to wear a sweatshirt!

I didn't have a good picture of my outfit for my blog today. Since you can't tell from this photo, I wore skinny jeans, a sweatshirt, and my brown leather jacket. I also wore glasses which you won't see often :)

Friday night, my friend Alley gave Spencer and I tickets to the MSU basketball game. We went and had a super fun time. She gave us tickets for tonight's game too! So we got to go to tonight's game as well. This weekend was very good :)

Thanks for reading today's post :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 50

Today is a big day for me! Get ready for it....


For me, this is a milestone. I'm pretty happy about this one. I'm going to try to make it to 100, but I am not sure if that's possible. Yes, I have a bigger closet than most girls my age, but looking at it is hard for me to think I can make it to 100 days. Will I try to, yes. Think about this too, everyone has those clothes that they have in their closet that just take up space. WEAR THEM! I just went through my closet, and got rid of all the clothes I honestly think I won't wear.

Today's outfit came from..
yoga pants: Victoria's Secret
shirt- H&M

thanks for reading today's post :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 49

Today's outfit was bought for my Senior Pictures. Well the dress was anyways. The boots and tights I got this weekend when I went shopping. I curled my hair today, and let me tell ya, I was very sketchy about it. This is because I didn't know what my hair would look like curled when it's this short. My hair has been long for quite some time. My hair does not grow fast whatsoever.

Today's outfit came from...

Dress: Vanity
Tights: JC Penny's
Boots: Sears

 For some reason this makes my hair look frizzy. I don't think it looked that frizzy though, haha. I had to fix the brightness because I wanted to show the flower in my hair.

Today during my 4th and 5th hour, I saw our schools production of The Apple Tree. It was very good, I encourage you to watch it if you get the chance. I laughed more than once in all 3 Acts. If you don't know about this play, it's split up into 3 Acts, each one a different story.
Act 1- Adam & Eve
Act 2- The king's daughter wants to marry a commoner, the king finds out and gives him the usual punishment. He has to pick one of 2 doors. One has a tiger behind it, and one has a lady he must marry. The kings daughter finds out what is behind which door. and so she chooses whether he dies, or marry's another woman. (at least that's what I got from it)
Act 3- A girl named Ella that wants to be a movie star

Each Act was very funny.

Thanks for reading today's post :)

I wish I had some Gushers.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 48- opening day & car troubles.

I wanted to start off today's post with a cute picture of Sawyer from Saturday.

I didn't attend school today. I decided to go hunting. I woke up at 5am to the sound of my Dad's alarm. I wasn't supposed to get up until 5:30am so I layed in bed sluggishly for about 20 minutes. My Dad asked if I wanted to hunt together (him and I) or separately. I've hunted by myself one time, and I didn't like it very much. One of the main reasons is because I don't like cougars. I swear they're in Michigan, and none of you will make me think differently! Also, I like hunting with my dad. it's kind of like a bonding time for us I suppose.

So this morning, I did not get anything. I did shoot, only at a 4 point. Now I don't want anybody commenting or telling me "you're one of those people that shoots 1 yr old's and spikes and blah blah blah". I've seen enough of that on facebook today as is! I went in planning on shooting any buck that walked by. My reasoning for this is because I doubt I will be hunting again with my dad. There's another last.

Today was the last time I will be going deer hunting with my Dad.

Every opening morning since I was about 10 my dad and I have gone out on opening morning together, and the youth hunt. It does make me upset that we wont be doing this anymore. It's not that I am choosing not to, but for the next 4 years I will be in college and won't be able to.

I forgot to take a picture in my camo before I left this morning, so I just took a picture of what I wore to work. Nothing special, I didn't want to waste a good outfit :) not that work didn't deserve it!

My not so wonderful Dynaride

Funny thing happened to me today. My car has really been acting up lately. Here is a list of things that have gone wrong with it within the last 2-3 weeks.

  • Tape player no longer works.
  • Cruise no longer works.
  • Passenger side window won't roll down.
  • Center counsel won't stay closed.
  • Rearview mirror came off (that one I just had to slide back on, but for about a mile I had to hold it up myself)
  • Automatic lock system won't work 
Now let me tell you the downfalls to all of these things..
tape player: I can no longer listen to music I want to.
cruise: I speed like a mofo without realizing it.
window: If I want to roll down my window to talk to someone, I have to roll down the back one like a dunce.
center counsel: just annoying.
mirror: My arm got tired from holding it, haha.
lock system: I never lock my car because I don't want to put the key in it (call me lazy)

Lock system happened about a week ago. Today I went to Shell because I needed gas, and I was going to Danica and Derrica's to watch gLee so since I hadn't had dinner yet, I decided I'd get some Subway. I brought my Nook to work today, and I didn't want to take it into Shell, so for once, I decided to lock my car. I went in, got my subway and paid for my gas and went back out to my car. I put the key in and it wouldn't unlock. I turned it the other way, wouldn't unlock. I tried this quite a few times before thinking okay I'll just go to the passenger side to unlock it. So that's what I did. I unlocked it from that side and pressed the button. Went back over to the drivers side and the handle is now broken. 

I had to climb into the passenger side of my car in public today just to get into it.
There's another one added to the list!

Thanks for reading today's post.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 47- forgetful me

This morning........... I forgot... to take a picture. I know I know, don't freak out okay. I figured out once I got to school. Don't worry tho, cus I took a picture after school :)

I got so many new clothes to add to my closet. My closet is overflowing. From today's outfit, the boots are new, the high socks are new, and the shirt is new.

Today's outfit came from...

Shirt- JC Penny's
Denim Leggings- DSW
High Socks- DSW
Boots- Sears

These high socks are pretty fashionable right now, in my eyes at least. They are meant to be worn with boots, so dont wear them by themselves! Boots are also in. They really make the "fall and winter looks".

Also, if you can't tell... I GOT A HAIR CUT!
5 inches off to be exact. That's a lot off for me. I love it though, and I also got it colored.

Thanks for reading today's post :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Friday was 11.11.11. Yes, I am that girl that wished at 11:11 am and 11:11 pm that day. Yes, I am that girl that thought this day was going to be spectacular. Well it wasn't all I had it cracked up to be, and that's one of the things I don't like about me. I always realize "lasts". 

Here are some examples of what I mean by "lasts".

On the first day of school: "This is my last first day of school"
 At the last football game: "This is my last time in the student section for a game"
                                 "This is the last time I will be rowing in the student section"
               On my Birthday: "This is my last birthday at home"
There are tons more. I probably think of one everyday. 

Now, today's blog is titled wishes. I just wanted to share all my wishes at my point in life right now.

  • I knew what I was going to do with my future.
  • I knew what college I'm going to end up going to.
  • I knew what I am going to be when I get older.
  • I didn't have to pay for all of my own things.
  • My brother was born earlier so I could establish a really good relationship with him before I leave.
  • I had siblings closer to my age, so I could have someone to tell everything to.
  • I wish I had that one person back that I could trust.
  • I would just go blonde like I've always wanted to.
  • High school would never end.
  • I felt more comfortable around people I don't know.
  • I could trust at least one person and tell them everything.
  • I was forgiving.
  • I had a better relationship with God.
Today has really gotten me to thinking. I love my life that I'm living, but there is something missing. And I'm starting to realize what it is.

Thanks for reading today's post.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 45- rockin' face

Rockin'. Today I knew I kind of wanted to wear a regular T-shirt. But I didn't want to just wear regular jeans. I went with a more "rock" or "punk" look I guess today. I think this shirt is just really funny. I didn't end up wearing my hair like this the whole day either, I wore it in a little bun on the side of my head. I liked it a lot, today was very laid back.

I have some good news as well :). So I retook my ACT's this October. On my first ACT I got a 22. This second time, I got a 25 :) :) :)
I'm so happy! this increases my chances of getting into MSU! Hopefully I will for sure get in now.

Thanks for reading today's post :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 44

Well today, was a pretty good day. As I was looking through my closet last night about what to wear, I knew I wanted to wear a dress. But which one? This dress I wore today is my "funeral attire". You know we all have funeral attire. Men and women both do. That outfit we pick out when we know we have a funeral to attend.Well this is mine. But I also wore it to school.

Today's out fit came from..

JC PENNY'S. love love love it.

I have good news!!! I forgot to tell you yesterday, but I fell again. Goll, I'm a clutz. This time, no one saw however. It happened around 7:40 at night. I had my backpack on, my lunchbox in one hand, my phone in another, and also somehow carrying my water bottle. It was raining yesterday, and I was running up the steps to my house, and completely bit it. That's right, hardcore too. My white gloves I had on are now brown, and I picked up my stuff and walked into the house. So the good news is, I didn't fall today :)

Tonight I also attended the 3rd LYF. It was a lot of fun and I encourage everyone to attend the next one :) I will post on here the night before when it's coming up. I am on the camera crew with Robert and Danica. (Derrica was the fill in for Dano tonight)

 Today's shout out goes to DANICA! Congrats on making the varsity cheer team :)

Thanks for reading today's post.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 43- deer farm.

Today I went on a field trip to a deer farm. It was pretty cool, a lot of big bucks! Going on this field trip also entailed walking in mud. So my outfit somewhat got ruined, well the bottom half of my outfit got ruined. My spicy red shoes are all muddy, along with the bottom of my jeans. Oh darn.

Today's outfit came from...

Black Shirt- H&M
Lacey Cover up- not sure, not the buckle. Charlotte Russe, or Forever 21, so possibly JC Penny's.
Jeans- Buckle
Shoes- Target

I LOVED MY HAIR TODAY! I have really been trying to do different things I normally wouldn't do or things that I think wouldn't work out with my hair. Here is a back shot of what my hair looked like today.

Shout out to Nick Payne in today's post. This past weekend I attended the MSU vs Minnesota game with him. He came along and we had a great time! He's my best friend! And today he got surgery on his shoulder. He will be out of school for about a week, and I am going to visit him tonight. Nicky is my pal.

Thanks for reading today's post :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 42

Oh, today. Brown brown brown. I'm kind of a plain person I guess. I do notice it, I wear a lot of browns and blacks. I'm not very colorful. I swear I do try to be, but I like plain looking clothes and spicing them up a bit! 

Today's outfit came from...

Shirt- Charlotte Russe
Jeans- Love Culture
Shoes- American Eagle

These shoes are truly poppin'. I'm not a big wedge girl, I will admit. I hardly ever wear these shoes, but I liked how they looked. Heels and skinny jeans are very fashionable! I have a boyfriend, Spencer Palmer. I think I talked about him in previous posts. He's the one that made me a sign for homecoming queen! Well he kind of made fun of my shoes today, but not in a mean way. At least I don't think. Well as we were walking out of school together, someone honked their horn behind us, so obviously I turned around. Turning around also made my pinkie toe catch the side of my wedge, and down I went. Spencer and I started laughing, along with everyone watching me. HAHA. Yeah it was pretty funny. I was kind of embarrassed but it didn't get to me too much. I haven't really thought about the incident until I was typing this. I laughed. I guess that's just me.

Thanks for reading today's post :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 41- whirring

If you haven't noticed, these past two posts have been title's of songs that I like. For some reason, Thursday, I loved the song paradise! I still do love it and cannot get enough of it. Friday I loved the song Whirring. I'm a big 94.1 girl. Alternative Radio, baby. Thursday night I spent the night at my pal Kelsey's as I said before.


Today's outfit came from..

Tank top- Charlotte Russe
Cover up- Banana Republic
Jeans- Forever 21
Boots- H&M

These boots were very nice. I received a lot of compliments on them. Very comfortable too might I add! They didn't hurt my feet one bit today. Usually heels do that. You'd think oh you don't walk that much in High School, or at least that's what I thought. But those walks between classes can be complete hell if you are wearing uncomfortable heels.

Here's that song whirring I love.

Thanks for reading today's post :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 40- paradise.

Today was a pretty good day. But then again, my days usually aren't bad or anything, haha. I decided to pull out the denim leggings again! This time with a longer grey shirt and a cute little scarf. I thought I matched surprisingly well today too.

Today's outfit came from..
Shirt- Old Navy
Leggings- DSW
Shoes- Buckle
Scarf- So Simply

I worked today from 3-7pm. I haven't worked a full day in almost a week, so it was kind of weird to get back in the swing of things. Tonight I am also going to my friend Kelsey's. I'm excited for tomorrow and Saturday :)

I'm in love with the song paradise by cold play. If you are reading this from my facebook, you already probably saw my status with the youtube video of the song. Well, here it is again..

If you haven't heard of it, i encourage you to check it out. It's my new fav right now.

Thanks for reading today's post :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 39

 I really felt like dressing it up today. The inspiration for today's outfit came from Zooey Deschanel on the show, New Girl. I LOVE ZOOEY! She's my favorite actress! And her show, New Girl, is very good. I encourage you to watch it :)

They aren't exactly the same outfit, but I went with the flowy white blouse and a cute little skirt. I felt pretty today, and that was a good feeling. 

Today's outfit came from...
Blouse: H&M
Skirt: Charlotte Russe
Shoes: Charlotte Russe

I had a very splendid night tonight as well :)

Thanks for reading today's post

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today I wore my powder puff shirt to school. The whole team liked the shirts and so did the Junior team and many other students. My father, Keith Stanton made the shirts for us. GO KEITH!

All I have to say about the game tonight was that we WON, in TRIPLE overtime.

thanks for reading today's post :)