Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Resolutions

Happy New Years

It's now 2012. This year will be such a big and important year in my life. I will officially become an adult. Turnin the big 18! I will be graduating. I will go to college, which means I will be moving out. Sawyer will learn to walk, crawl, talk, and eat regular food this year. I pray that I will be home when he does these things, but there's a chance I won't be.

Now on to New Years Resolutions. So many people make these resolutions, as do I every year. The more I think about it though, why do we do these? How many people actually stick with their resolutions all year long? I know I don't and I know many people don't as well. It is a good thing to look forward to doing though I'll admit. I thought long and hard about my resolutions this year, and here they finally are.

  1. Different Hair. Pinterest will be helping me out with this one. I plan to do my hair different every day of the week. I will post pictures on here of the new, fun and exciting hair styles I start to try.
  2. Jar full of Tasks. This is one I'm excited about. I plan on making a jar, and filling the jar with tasks. I will choose a task on the Monday of every week, and actually do the task. Since Monday has already passed for this week, I have decided to spend this week making tasks for me to do throughout the year.
  3. Think Twice. This one is all about $$$$$$$$. I am going to think twice about spending money on unnecessary things.
I'm excited about these. #1, I'm sure I will get sick of, especially this Summer. #2, I'm very excited about. Some of the tasks will be big ones, and some will be small. Some as small as wear sweats all day long, and some as big as set a date in the Summer to go to Chicago for the weekend.

I'd love for anybody to give me ideas of tasks to put in the jar. every task anyone gives me will be put in the jar (unless it's totally unreasonable). Message me on facebook. or comment on here. I'd really love it!

Thanks for reading today's post :)


  1. Give someone you don't know a compliment.
    Donate something to goodwill.
    Invite a friend for a trip somewhere.

  2. Those are great, and will be added to the jar. Thank you!

  3. Get a good looking bf

  4. this made me chuckle. I think he's good looking. this will be an easy task, thank you

  5. Great idea about the task jar. This will be an easy one. Everyday for a week, give your mom and dad a kiss and hug and tell them you love them-even if you are mad at them...I am sure you do this already but might miss a day here and there.
    I like the "give someone you don't know a compliment" idea, but maybe go out of your way to say hello to someone a little shy, or maybe not in the "in" crowd or that is somewhat of a loner.. you never know what that might mean to them.
    Love you,
