Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Break

In my last post I said that us kids that go to Lakewood will be off school Tues-Fri. My break has gone pretty good all in all. Many good things have been happening!

My little bro, Soy has grown up so much lately. He is smiling, rolling over, eating baby food, and laughing! Today was the first day I heard him laugh and, I'll admit it, I freaked. I've been so thankful that I got 6 days to spend with my brother. Brother. It looks and sounds so weird for these words to come out of my mouth or be typed in this blog. I never thought I'd have a brother and I'm so happy he's in my life. I've gotten to feed him a lot this past week and hold him nonstop. I've missed him falling asleep on my shoulder so much! I got the joy of him doing this 3 times throughout the week. :) This girl is one happy camper.

This Thanksgiving was such a good one! Then again, I can't remember a time when I've had a bad Thanksgiving. I think this is a good holiday because what people look forward to the most is FOOD! I've been thankful enough to have a big turkey dinner ever since I was little. Every other holiday, is about some sort of presents, just like it is for a lot of people.
Christmas- presents from family or Santa.
Easter- presents from the Easter Bunny.
Valentines Day- presents from a loved one.
Halloween- Candy.

Some people get mad on
Christmas if they don't get what they want,
Easter if they don't get what they want,
Valentine's Day if they don't have someone special to share it with,
Halloween not enough candy.

Instead of saying what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving, I made a video with Sawyer.

Black Friday
This year I went Black Friday shopping with my friend, Cameron. I was really afraid of doing this. Seeing stories on the news of past years really shook me up. We decided to go to the mall. We got there around 10pm and absolutely no one was in the parking lot. Not one car. So we went to iHop. We got back to the mall around 11pm and there were a few cars. Mind you, stores in the mall opened at midnight! We got a parking spot right in the front and walked in. There were a few people, not many. American Eagle opened at 11:20pm, so they opened early. Next, we went to Victoria's Secret. Then the Buckle. I am so happy because I got most of my Christmas shopping done! I got myself some earrings, a headband, and a bracelet. I got about 5 people on my list done. The mall was barely packed what-so-ever. I encourage you all to shop there Black Friday! There were about as many people there as there would be on a Saturday during the day, just so many good deals!

Thanks for reading today's post :)


  1. How much did you spend on Black Friday? What kind of deals were there at the mall?

  2. I spent about $260 at the mall. American eagle had everything 40% off, victorias secret had yoga pants for $25 and buy one bra get one half off, forever 21 just had random deals, hollister everything was 50% off, charlotte russe everything was 30% off!
