Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 52- Soy's 4 month

We only had one day of school this week, and that was Yesterday. We have Tues-Fri off! What a long weekend I'm lovin it! This also means spending some much needed time with my brother, Sawyer. I miss him and I still see him everyday. Monday's, Tuesday's and Thursday's I have work right after school, So I don't see him until 7 and he is usually taking a nap sometime near when I get home. On weekends, I'm not usually home that much So I'm very excited to have 6 days off to relax.

Sawyer's 4 month doctor's apt was Monday! He ways a whopping 17 lb 1 oz. Tubbs also gets to start on baby food! I can't even explain to you how excited I was to feed him this morning. I texted my mom from my room right when I woke up and said "Don't feed Sawyer without me." Sleepy Soy woke up later than me this morning. We set him up in his high chair (mom & I) and fed him peaches! He didn't really know what to do it was quite comical.

Here are some pictures from this morning..

I have no idea what I'm going to do when I go away for college, it will be one of the hardest things for me.

Yesterdays outfit came from...

Shirt- Buckle
Necklace- Buckle
Jeans- Love Culture
Shoes- JC Penny's.

I love these shoes. They go with a lot of looks I go for. They are a simple pair of black flats that I think make outfits look cute. Yes, cute. I don't understand how shoes can make a girl look cute, but I think they definitely can.

Thanks for reading today's post :)


  1. Oh. My. Word. These pictures are hysterical! Thanks for posting! Love ya. Aunt Jessica :)

  2. I have the most beautiful grand children!- Grammy~
