Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 49

Today's outfit was bought for my Senior Pictures. Well the dress was anyways. The boots and tights I got this weekend when I went shopping. I curled my hair today, and let me tell ya, I was very sketchy about it. This is because I didn't know what my hair would look like curled when it's this short. My hair has been long for quite some time. My hair does not grow fast whatsoever.

Today's outfit came from...

Dress: Vanity
Tights: JC Penny's
Boots: Sears

 For some reason this makes my hair look frizzy. I don't think it looked that frizzy though, haha. I had to fix the brightness because I wanted to show the flower in my hair.

Today during my 4th and 5th hour, I saw our schools production of The Apple Tree. It was very good, I encourage you to watch it if you get the chance. I laughed more than once in all 3 Acts. If you don't know about this play, it's split up into 3 Acts, each one a different story.
Act 1- Adam & Eve
Act 2- The king's daughter wants to marry a commoner, the king finds out and gives him the usual punishment. He has to pick one of 2 doors. One has a tiger behind it, and one has a lady he must marry. The kings daughter finds out what is behind which door. and so she chooses whether he dies, or marry's another woman. (at least that's what I got from it)
Act 3- A girl named Ella that wants to be a movie star

Each Act was very funny.

Thanks for reading today's post :)

I wish I had some Gushers.


  1. i heard some kid said he was sorry for stealing your gushers at lunch.

  2. forgot to say,you looked very pretty today too :]
