Monday, March 26, 2012

Task #9- Cleanin' the Dynaride.

Task #9

This task was not completed, and let me tell ya why.. 

The Dynaride is having a rough time right now. I went over to my Grandparent's house on Saturday to clean her up. I was going to vacuum her, and even windex those windows she's got! On my way to take Brooke home, the oil light started blinking. I called my dad and he told me to go to my Grandma's right away (we were near their house) and take Brooke home in a different vehicle. Once I got back to my Grandparent's, I asked my dad if I needed to get the oil changed. He told me we were takin' her into Jim's Auto Body on Monday. Turns out there was no oil on the dipstick at all. So I, being the smart girl I am, asked why we didn't just fill her back up with oil. Come to find out the oil stays the same amount all the time because it filters through the car. I'm retarded. Somehow all the oil has magically disappeared. 

This didn't happen until Saturday, so it's not like I could pick a new task because most of them require more time. There was no point in me cleaning her up when I don't even get to drive her :(

Well, thanks for reading today's post.

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