Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 142

Today I tried something I saw on Pinterest, and it worked, which I was happy about. If you have a Pinterest, you may have heard of the Sock Bun. Well, it really is as easy as they say it is! I decided to be somewhat lazy today and wear leggings, but I still think leggings are stylish and cute! I also threw in my new glasses from last weekend.

Today's outfit came from...

Shirt- Old Navy
Leggings- Vanity
Glasses- The Icing
Shoes- DSW

Here is a picture of my sock bun :)

Thanks for reading today's post!


  1. i LOVE this outfit. we are not allowed to wear leggings to school unless the shirt covers our butt because our school sucks. super cute look though.

  2. Faveeeee

